İzmir eTwinning Hackathon'da 2. Seçilen Projemiz

İzmir eTwinning Hackathon'da 2. Seçilen Projemiz

13.06.2024 222

İzmir eTwinning Hackathon'da 2. seçilen projemiz WellbeingDone eTwinning projesi kapsamında okulumuz öğrencilerinin hazırladığı logo 1. seçilerek projenin logosu olmaya hak kazandı.


Okulda zorbalığa dur demek için hazırladığımız WellbeingDone eTwinning projesi kapsamında öğrencilerimiz zorbalık temalı tişörtler tasarlayarak okulda sergilediler.


Bullying Heroes etkinliğinde öğrencilerimiz zorbalıkla ilgili soruların yer aldığı pankartlar hazırlayarak okuldaki arkadaşlarına bu soruları yönelttiler.


WellbeingDone projesi kapsamında oluşturduğumuz zorbalıkla ilgili senaryolara öğrenciler çözümler ürettiler.

Introduction Part – Tire Ögretmen Melahat Aksoy
Social Sciences High School (Adem ÖZEN)

Scenario 1- Agrupamento de Escolas de
Campo Maior

 There is a new student, Lucy , in your class. Lucy is from another country, and she is still learning the English language. During the lunch break, her friends notice some students making fun of the way that Layla speaks and sounds. They also hear them making fun of Layla’s surname.


Scenario 2- Seferihisar Necat Hepkon High
School (SNHAL)

Classmates who are on social media receive horrible comments posted on their profiles or pictures. Lucy’s parents have told her that she cannot have a social media account until she is 13 because being on social media is not allowed before then.


Scenario  3- İzmir Karsiyaka Atakent Anatolian High School

 One of her classmates, George, is much bigger, taller and physically stronger than the rest of the class. George passes notes to Lucy and other students in the class. The note say, “You are going to get it ‘if you do not do what I want at lunchtimes.” She has seen George kicking and pushing other students over. 


Scenario 4-  Urla Hakan Ceken Anatolian High School (UHCAL)

Lucy has been experiencing bullying behaviour by a group of pupils while on the bus travelling to and from school. The group of pupils say mean things about Lucy’s family and the clothes she wears .


Scenario 5- Ekonomska i trgovacka $kola Cakovec 

Lucy has been left out of group chats and classroom activities by others throughout the last term.  Lucy has become very quiet in class.  She no longer attends any of the clubs she used to go to. Bullying behaviour Lucy is experiencing might be affecting her mental health and wellbeing.


Scenario 6-  Sehit Hakan Gülsen Anadolu imam Hatip Lisesi 

Some of Lucy’s friends are telling lies about her and spreading rumours around the school. Some people are even starting to believe the rumours.


Scenario 7-  Emlakbank Süleyman Demirel Anadolu Lisesi

One of Lucy’s friend has taken photos of her that she is not comfortable with and is threatening to post them on Instagram if she doesn’t do what he wants. 


Scenario 8- Şehit Abdullah Kürşat Kupşen Anatolian High School

 Lucy wins lots of competitions and brings her medals, certificates and trophies to school assembly to share with the school. Some of her friends think she shows off. They have stopped playing with her  and they don’t invite her to parties or for dinner after school.

Scenario 4- Menemen şehit Hakan Gülşen AİHL

 Lucy is being bullied by someone outside of school, and it has now become physical. Some of her friends want to stop this, but they don’t want to get involved. Lucy has asked her friends not to tell a teacher because she doesn’t want to make matters worse.

Conclusion Part- Tire Ögretmen Melahat Aksoy
Social Sciences High School (Pinar Hapci)

 Projenin adının baş harflerinden bir rap şarkısı besteledik.


Farklı zorbalık senaryoları ile ilgili videolar hazırladık.


WellbeingDone projesi kapsamında yaptığımız etkinlikleri e broşür haline getirdik ve e Maze'de sanal sergi yaptık.


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